EB和ETS-Lindgren 即將在台北時間六月十五日晚上十一點透過網路廣播舉行線上研討會,主題為 “Understanding MIMO OTA Testing: Simple Solution to a Complex Test.”
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MIMO OTA測試是對複雜的MIMO通訊產品測試的最準確且有效的方案.這個由EB和ETS-Lindgren 舉行的線上研討會將會解釋MIMO OTA 測試的基礎.並說明系統架構及如何進行可重複性的MIMO OTA 性能測試.
毅獅科技 (02)-2547-2131
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Janne Kolu, Director, Product Management, Wireless Communications Tools, EB (Elektrobit) Bryan Sayler, Senior Vice-President Systems, ETS-Lindgren, Test and Measurement Division, Cedar Park, Texas David Vye, Technical Editor and Business Development Manager, Microwave Journal
MIMO Over-the-Air (OTA) testing is an accurate and cost-effective solution for complex MIMO device testing. This webinar presented by EB (Elektrobit) and ETS-Lindgren will explain fundamentals of MIMO OTA testing. It provides an understanding of system performance and presents the core elements that facilitate systematic and repeatable performance measurement of MIMO devices. The session will highlight not only technical features of the system but also present commercial benefits of this emerging testing technology.
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