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The World's Most Advanced Emulator Is Here!

EB Propsim F32

Exploit the Radio Channel with EB Propsim F32!

Inspired by the increasing demand for an economically-sound, technologically advanced, and user-friendly solution to network-level design and testing challenges, EB now offers the first ever radio channel emulator that can truly test the performance of an entire 4G LTE network from the laboratory.

The newly released EB Propsim® F32 is a scalable radio channel emulator introduced tomeet the demanding design and verification challenges of present and future wireless technologies. This user-friendly device is designed for testing advanced MIMO scenarios and enhanced transmission schemes, offering a cost-effective solution for wireless equipment manufacturers testing 4G LTE.

The much anticipated addition to EB's Propsim product family, EB Propsim F32 boasts the highest emulation capacity available on the market, making test setup and configuration quick and easy. It can emulate up to 128 independent fading channels simultaneously allowing for bi-directional multi-user MIMO testing in an 8x8 configuration. Testing with the new radio channel emulator provides optimal network performance, accelerates the time to market for new wireless devices and systems and ultimately results in high quality end-user experiences.

Product Features of the EB Propsim F32:

•Highest emulation capacity on the market

•Bi-directional emulation capability with minimal test cabling

•Scalable number of RF channels up to 32

•Economically sound pricing •Setup-wizard for effortless operation

•Improved test automation support

•State of the art channel models

Meet us at CTIA Wireless 2012 on May 8-10 in New Orleans, at booth #4912, or learn more about the new EB Propsim F32 radio channel emulator at www.elektrobit.com/ebpropsim.


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